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BD Syringe 3ml Luer Lock (Pack of 100)

Original price was: ₹4,000.00.Current price is: ₹1,249.00.


Nursing is considered to be a profession inside of the medical field or a health care sector. The profession particularly and specifically focuses on the individual, community or family care in order so that they ultimately attain, maintain or even recover optimal life or you can say, quality of life.

Who is known as to be a Nurse ?

Nurses are the medical employees who take up the autonomous as well as collaborative care of an individuals of families, all ages, communities and groups. It can normally include the prevention of illness, the care of ill, promotion of health and the disabled as well as dying patients.

What is also the other name of a Nurse ?

A nurse could also be appointed or recognised as a registered nurse ( RN ).